Mike Cantrell #MeetAtTheNeck
Feb 08, 2017What the @$%&? does dentistry and breathing have to do with human performance?
My good friend Mike Cantrell is a PRI master who has blended his techniques with his dental team to produce systems and techniques that are restoring function for athletes who suffer from chronic pain or dysfunction.
This episode will have you driving your car analyzing your bite and tongue positions while checking your breathing patterns. Keep your eyes on the road!!!
This is Mike’s second time on the podcast after his triumphant debut where my Glisteners continue to quote #Cantrellisms.
This episode is a continuation of the conversation on how sometimes looking at a problem through a different lens can lead to solutions to problems that couldn’t be cracked with conventional techniques.
And if all this doesn’t get you salivating for this episode, how about 45 minutes of good old fashion chin-wagging between two friends trying to out with each other!
Check out https://www.posturalrestoration.com to learn more about the topic and the techniques that Mike teaches around the world in their PRI certification classes.
And If you want to come out and see the Coach live go to @mytpi and check out our 2017 schedule.
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