Feb 19, 2018Time to take a closer look at our performance output.
Not your best day or your worst day but how you are on an average day. Is it good enough?
This Week’s Task: Take a look at your overall performance over the next 7 days.
Markdown a score of 1-10 on your calendar based on how you rank your performance in whatever it is you are working on improving.
10/10 is you executing at the highest level! 1/10 is a day when everything went wrong and you threw in the towel.
Now add up all the scores and divide by 7. This will be your performance mean. Now you can look at ways to improve the performance mean to perform at a higher level more consistently.
FYI: The #DreamBIG series is a quick motivational kick in the keister!
The #DreamBIG episodes are 6-12 minute dream big segments that are bite-sized and easy to digest.
If you follow them from week to week you will have a game plan that will help you tackle life at the highest level. A personal performance roadmap!
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