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#DreamBIG Ten

#glisteners coach glass podcast Nov 20, 2017

Morning routine? Wake, make your bed, body prep, train, meditate, eat, coffee, checklist and get on with your day!

Executing a planned, consistent morning routine can increase your capacity to accomplish tasks throughout your day.

You need to make the first 10-20 decisions of the day automatic.

Set out your training gear, premix your breakfast ingredients, have your exercise routine planned out and have your office ready to receive you with your morning goals sheet open and your favourite pen standing by to check off your first item.

This week’s task: Write out a morning routine that works for you and commit to executing it for the next 5 workdays.

At the end of the week reflect on how great you feel and how much more effective you were.

Tweak it, revise it and get it ready for next week.

Rinse repeat!

FYI: The #DreamBIG series is a quick motivational kick in the keister!

The #DreamBIG episodes are 4-10 minute dream big segments that are bite-sized and easy to digest. If you follow them from week to week you will have a game plan that will help you tackle life at the highest level. A personal performance roadmap!

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