#DreamBIG Eleven
Nov 27, 2017Plum grab! This week we go DEEP into how we value our stats.
How many likes, thumbs up, downloads, followers, friends, or how many people swipe right on your profile somehow gives us personal value.
It is time to end this false reinforcement of our personal value.
We put more value into the opinions of faceless others instead of those who truly know us. It is time to get back to human interactions to validate our worth.
This Week’s Task: Take away your social media notifications for a week. Challenge yourself to create 3 pieces of content that is created for the joy of the creative process instead of content focussed on getting more likes.
I am watching!
If you want my critique simply use #DBODBU11 and I will check out your content!
FYI: The #DreamBIG series is a quick motivational kick in the keister! The #DreamBIG episodes are 6-12 minute dream big segments that are bite-sized and easy to digest. If you follow them from week to week you will have a game plan that will help you tackle life at the highest level. A personal performance roadmap!
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