#DreamBIG 27 Plateau Busta!
Jun 01, 2018I just kicked myself out of a rut. I will admit it. I was in a rut, in the murky waters of mediocrity!
I plateaued and was okay with it. Then I started to get a little antsy, irritable and scattered because part of me wanted to break out and progress forward while the other half was happy just to be left idle.
Do you ever find yourself pressing the easy button on life? You do the same workout with each client, teach the same class to your students, push the paper along, check off the basic checklist, clock out and press repeat the next day?
This #DreamBIG episode is for you!
If this topic resonates with you…great! That is why I recorded it! Listen or share it with someone who you might know that is in a funk or stuck in neutral.
If someone sent you this link don’t take it personally. They are only helping someone who can’t see the forest for the trees and they know you have more potential and more to offer the world!
FYI: The #DreamBIG series is a quick motivational kick in the keister!
The #DreamBIG episodes are 6-12 minute dream big segments that are bite-sized and easy to digest. If you follow them from week to week you will have a game plan that will help you tackle life at the highest level.
A personal performance roadmap! If you are enjoying these free episodes please give back by going to https://www.jasonglassperformancelab.com/subscribe/ and sign up for the Next Level!
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