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CGP Ep97 Recovery: Tips for Maximizing Your Performance

#glisteners coach glass podcast Oct 28, 2015

What you do after your training session may be more important than the training session itself!

If you want to maximize the training effect from all the hard work you put into your session you need to adopt these recovery techniques!

Now before you dive in I need to warn you that this episode is EXPLICIT.

We may have gone off the rails a little but I am passionate about this subject.

You may need to go into recovery if you make it to the end of this broadcast!

Now for the details. We dive into the myth about chocolate milk being the #1 recovery meal, ice baths and cold showers, hydration strategies, BCAAs, mental recovery and its effect on your sympathetic nervous system, and how you start your session impacts your recovery after your session is completed.

All this and so much more in this magical romp through the tulips. Enjoy it!

@performbetter @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

EP97 Pintrest final


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