CGP Ep87 Kick Ass Morning Routine
Aug 19, 2015You never know how the day is going to end up but we can all agree that most days start off the same way.
Your morning routine is probably one of the most regimented and repeatable part of your life.
It is also one of the most overlooked parts of your life!
What if you could construct a perfect morning….every morning?
What would it look like? Over the past 3 years, I have done just that.
Customized my morning routine to fit my physical mental and nutritional needs.
In this episode, I share with you my morning ritual from my morning training session, daily meditation to my breakfast ritual with #BuddaInDaCofofeeOvaDare.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy it.
Some of my elements may fit into your world and some will need your personal touch.
The important thing here is to not take your morning for granted.
If you want a copy of my PreWorkout Dynamic Warm-Up just send me an email and I would gladly send it your way: [email protected]
Feel free to share your morning ritual below in the comments section.
@performbetter @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass
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