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CGP Ep86 Branding with Dave Boyce from Red Dragons

#glisteners coach glass podcast Aug 12, 2015

Creating a brand requires creativity, vision, talent, hard work and most importantly…. a community!

This is a topic I have been wanting to tackle on the podcast for the past year.

I wanted to get a branding expert on who not only walks the walk but talks the talk! I couldn’t have found anyone better than the Red Dragon's CoFounder and Chief Creative Officer Dave Boyce!

Dave and his team have built the Red Dragon brand from the ground up and created one of the most recognizable logos/brands in skateboarding.

More than that, Dave has been able to create a community of diehard fans, followers and Red Dragon faithful that would go through a brick wall for the Red Dragons brand.

Dave is also the voice behind This Boyce Life Podcast with his co-host Renee Renee and soon to be the host of his own radio show on Sirius Radio!

If you want to see how to build an empire, follow Dave on Instagram/Twitter @thisboycelife @TheRedDragons.

This is a lesson on building culture and keeping it authentic! It was so cool to have Dave share his mission, secrets to marketing, branding tips and how to live life as a superstar!

This is an episode that you do not want to miss!

@perform_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

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