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CGP Ep85 Fast Twitch Bu$ine$$ Fibers

#glisteners coach glass podcast Aug 05, 2015

Money Money Money…… Some people got to have it!

It's time to talk about the Bu$ine$$! The art of selling is dead. To make it in this world you need to be able to sell your product, sell your service or sell yourself!

To effectively sell you need to know what kind of business person you are!

In this episode, I break down the 3 types of businesspeople or workers and relate them to the 3 types of muscle fibres in human muscle. Then we are going to give you the skills you need to flex that business muscle!

3 types of business people are like the 3 types of muscle fibres:

Type 1 Slow Twitch- Worker bees (#DragonBoater)

Type 2a Fast Oxidative Fibres quickly create and use ATP to create powerful contractions- Difference makers! People who push the limits and get shit done. Entrepreneurs and members of teams/organizations that are moving forward at a rapid rate. (#Scott)

Type 2b Fast Glycolytic Fibres produce ATP at a slower rate but can break it down quickly! Through intensive training these fibres can act like Type 2A. These employees have the capacity to be worker bees or great leaders. All you need to do is create the right environment. (#John)

This weeks homework? Elevator Speech. You have 5 floors to get my attention. Go! Coach gives you tools so just listen and learn!!!

@perform_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable
Coach Glass

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