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CGP Ep75 Kelly Starrett CROSSFIT

#glisteners coach glass podcast Jun 03, 2015

Everyone has an opinion on #Crossfit.

Before you make assumptions you need to listen to both sides of the issue. So here it is! Kelly Starrett @mobilitywod and Coach Glass discuss the good and the bad of Crossfit and why it just may be the best thing you and your clients can do for their health.

I offer up my minimal dose-effect style of training which is a polar opposite to Crossfit.  

You will have to listen to hear the outcome and whether or not we can see eye to eye! We also discuss something so cool and revolutionary that I encourage every #Glistener to get on board.

Kelly and his wife Juliet started a non-profit organization with a mission to get rid of conventional desks in schools.

Their organization is putting standing desks in schools and you won’t believe how it is changing the way kids are taught and the physical and mental-emotional benefits.

Make sure you check out Kelly’s books “The Supple Leopard” and “Ready to Run” which are both fantastic!

Order them from @PerformBetter and use the “CoachGlass” discount code at check out. 

Listen, learn and enjoy this part 2 of this 2 part episode of the #CoachGlassPodcast! #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass



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