CGP Ep509 The Future of SuperSpeed with Michael Napoleon
Jan 20, 2024Michael Napoleon PGA, Striving to continually innovate modern coaching methodology, Michael Napoleon believes deeply that truly expert coaches produce lasting positive change with very little input. For years Michael owned and operated a golf performance academy called Catalyst Golf Performance in the Chicago area. Catalyst incorporated golf coaches, golf fitness professionals, rehabilitation experts, nutritionists, and club fitters under one roof to provide a comprehensive one stop shop for improvement. In 2012, Michael began product R&D on an Overspeed training product called the SuperSpeed Golf Training System, released in the fall of 2014. Since the launch SuperSpeed Golf has become a global brand and a new standard for speed. Now with over 100,000 touring professionals and 300,000 amateur golfers working with SuperSpeed Golf, Michael and his team at SuperSpeed are making a distinct impact on the games of golfers all over the world. Michael speaks regularly at seminars, coaching summits, teaching symposiums, and many other events with the primary goal of educating fellow professionals about not only speed training, but also business strategy, golf biomechanics, and coaching science.
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