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CGP Ep498 DreamBIG Feeling

Jul 11, 2023

As a performance coach, I get asked regularly, "What is your number one tip that helps the great become world-class?" Well, I wrote an entire book on the subject. First they need to DreamBIG and picture what they want to achieve. Then they need to believe it can come true. They need to go to bed each night and wake each morning with their DreamBIG coming true in their mind. Then they need to get off their ass and get the work done! Sounds simple because it is. The problem is that many people can design their dream big, but when they picture it coming true they have a little voice in their head that says, "Yeah right! Who do you think you are?" This episode is all about overcoming this obstacle and allowing you to believe. Truly believing isn't a thought but a feeling. Enjoy!

Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here:
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Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be at Long Beach and Chicago Summits in 2023!

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