CGP Ep408 Checklist What WONT U Stand For?
Sep 02, 2021Most people know what they want and what they stand for. But how many of you are crystal clear on what you WON'T stand for?
I write out my weekly checklist every Monday morning and at the top of each page, I write what I stand for and even more importantly what I WON'T stand for.
Each item on my TO DO Checklist that week needs to fit inside these parameters. An example may be "I will not let others' needs take priority over my needs on this TO DO list!" You decide what is important to you each week and stick to it.
In this episode, I also share my tips on how to maximize your productivity by mastering the checklist.
I know you all have used checklists in the past and many of you are avid box checkers. In this post, I want to share some tips that will help you achieve more from your list.
It's not what is on the list that matters, it's how you write it!
Break your list into categories. Each section represents a specific aspect or responsibility that you have in your daily work life.
For me, I start with Players, Academy, Podcast, Mentorship, DreamBIG.
Under the “Players” category, for instance, I will have a box beside each of my players' names and a subcategory with specific needs of that athlete for this week.
Are they on the road? Do we have a set time for their virtual training session? A note about the focus for that session can be added so you can keep it on the forefront of your brain throughout the week.
I will break down each category on my list and add as much detail as possible. Actionable items get a nice empty box in front of it to ensure completion of the task in its way.
I HATE (strong word) unchecked boxes. This dislike (not as strong), pokes me and prods me to get the job done.
Now it's your turn....what are you waiting for...GO!
I want to give special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells, and Bands.
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Without them, I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.
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