CGP Ep400 Yup Four Hundred Episodes!!!
Jul 07, 2021
July 31st 2019, I promised my Glisteners another 100 epic episodes of the Coach Glass Podcast.
Sounded easy enough at the time.
100 is such a nice round number that rolls of the tongue. Look deeper and you realize you are committing yourself to 2 years of delivering podcast magic each and every Wednesday.
In this week's episode, we look back at the lessons leant over the past 100 episodes.
So much has changed over the last 2 years. We introduced YouTube video podcasts to allow the viewer to enjoy my special guests at a deeper level. Added an Instagram Live series called the Oxygen Mask to help our Glisteners navigate the global pandemic.
Dealt with the war on distance debate in golf. (Is bigger actually better?) Dropped science on your earbuds with my neuromuscular training philosophy and performance hacks.
We started a series featuring my mentors which included leaders that I rely upon in the industry, Mentorship graduates who became my mentors and my high school gym teacher, who is responsible for me being the coach I am today! Who could forget the chat we had with my Nana as she turned 100 last year? So much insight.
The big PIVOT😉 was transforming my 3-day live Mentorship into a 6 week home study/live Zoom course. I had no idea that, through this medium, I would not only get to inspire more professionals but it would actually deepen the experience and create more impact.
I shared a ton of these mentorship style lessons through my podcast episodes that focussed on personal growth and living with intent.
My comedy hit a high when I got to perform at the world-famous Broadway Comedy Club in NYC to a sold-out crowd!
The day after... the World shut down. We were forced to write in isolation and perform Zoom comedy shows in between sets at my family dinner table. Talk about a tough crowd!
Finally, I started putting dedicated work into my book which I am happy to say is in its final stages and should be out soon!
Writing my book DreamBIG has been an unexpected joy that has deepened my storytelling and ability to share concepts in a concise and entertaining manner.
As I write this post I realize what an amazing journey this podcast has been and what it has created in my life.
As I ponder the decision to continue or call it quits, I have to reflect on what life was like before the podcast.
Seven years of delivering edutainment week after week.
I know one thing is for sure. I couldn't have done it without my sponsors @perform_better http://performbetter.com and @mytpi http://www.mytpi.com/certification/seminar-calendar
So will the Coach commit to another 100 episodes? You will have to listen to find out! DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable & Cheers Everybody!
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