CGP Ep386 Be Undeniable!
Mar 31, 2021Think about the word Undeniable. You will not be denied. You will not deny yourself from expressing your greatness on the world.
This term is less about others denying you and everything to do with you not denying yourself.
If you are undeniable you don’t have to worry about what others do or don't do. It is all about you and the undeniable mindset. You make a deal with yourself to never deny that gut feeling that wants to break through walls to get what you want like the Kool-Aid Guy.
Ohhhh Yeahhhh, I made a childhood reference in the middle of setting the stage for one of the most important aspects of this post! Because I had to!
If you want to be undeniable you need to not only decide in your mind but you need to convince your body that you cannot be denied.
If you want to be mentally strong you need to challenge yourself physically.
You want to be physically strong you need to overcome discomfort with mental determination and willpower.
I push my comfort zones both mentally and physically on a daily basis for this exact reason.
I am constantly finding ways to make myself uncomfortable. I feel the more you can challenge yourself and push the limits of your abilities in controlled environments, the more you will be resilient in the unexpected catastrophic events in your business, personal life or inner self.
You need to get uncomfortable in all aspects of your life to truly be Undeniable.
There has never been a better time than right now for you to face those things in your life that make you uncomfortable. Face them head-on and turn them into a strength.
At the end of this episode, I share details about my upcoming Mentorship.
This May I will hold a Mentorship for 10 individuals who are looking to challenge their potential. The Mentorship is designed to push you with your professional and personal development. The end goal is for you to leave with a DreamBIG that is truly fulfilling and a strategy to accomplish it.
My biggest fear is for you to spend the next 5 years working on a dream that leaves you unfulfilled upon you accomplishing it. Or even worse, going through the next 5 years without any direction.
If you feel the Mentorship is right for you, take the time to fill out the Mentorship Application and we will let you know if we can help you accomplish your DreamBIG. https://www.jasonglasslab.com/mentorship
I want to give special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and Bands.
MyTPI http://www.mytpi.com/certification/seminar-calendar for upcoming dates and events.
Without them, I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.
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