CGP Ep371 The Glass & Gill Holiday Show
Dec 23, 2020More anticipated than the arrival of Old Saint Nick himself, it's the Glass & Gill Show!
If you are new to the Glass & Gill Show, it's a series that is normally recorded while these two buddies travel the globe together and enjoy an adult beverage after 2 days of performing on stage! But in these unique times, we had to do it virtually and for the first time, you get to Zoom in and see the shenanigans.
So grab a festive brew and join us two because traditions are traditions.
In this episode, we share memories of Christmas past, stories of how we are both navigating the Covid crisis and a ton of holiday fun. We also discuss strategies we both used to pivot our business, navigated virtual training and somehow made it through the past 9 months.
Who doesn't need a little comedy, laughter and heartfelt banter?
From Lance @lgp_inc and myself, we want to wish each and every one of you a fantastic holiday season and all the best for 2021!
Audio Version:
Video Version:
Make sure you check out everything LGP at https://lgperformance.com/ from Remote Training to his new app!
We would also like to thank our amazing sponsors Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells, and Bands.
MyTPI http://www.mytpi.com/certification/seminar-calendar for upcoming dates and events.
Without them, I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.
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