CGP Ep365 Deconstructing the Deadlift
Nov 11, 2020The deadlift is one of my favourite patterns for rotational athletes…but not for the reasons you may think!
The deadlift is one of the greatest vertical thrust exercises on the planet….but that’s not why I love it.
In this episode, we go DEEP into the Hip Hinge and how rotational athletes can use the deadlift to maintain their posture and rotate with power in their sport.
What else could you ask for? Ohh you want more? How about if we break down the pros and cons of early extension and then show you how to use the deadlift to enhance each quality. Ohh you want more?
We are holding our next Coach Glass Mentorship this January.
Talk about kicking 2021 off on a good foot!
If you want to be a part of the Coach Glass Mentorship family, it's simple, apply and tighten your seatbelt.
More info and application at https://www.jasonglasslab.com/mentorship
Want to improve your athletic ability using neuromuscular training?
Sign up for either my LoadXplode 16 Week or High TripleXity 8 Week Programs. Both programs are comprehensive online follow along training programs, ready to help take your game to the next level.
Simply go to http://jasonglasslab.com
I want to give special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells, and Bands.
MyTPI http://www.mytpi.com/certification/seminar-calendar for upcoming dates and events.
Without them, I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.
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