CGP Ep228 Eat Sleep Repeat!
Mar 14, 2018The younger generation has a saying, "Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat" I think my generation should have the mantra "Sleep, Eat, Train, Reflect and Repeat”.
This episode is a program for you to follow for you or for your loved ones who are wanting to hit 40 or 50 feeling like a 20-year-old.
I want you to do this program Monday to Friday and enjoy the weekend the way you normally would.
Treat your health like you treat your job. Get up, get after it and call it a day. During the week you work and on the weekend let your hair down, loosen your tie and enjoy the good life!
Recipe for a healthier and happier you.
1.Sleep like its your job!
2. Eat Clean
3.Train and Lift Heavy!
4. Meditate or Reflect Daily to keep you balanced and on course.
5. Repeat! Who doesn’t like the sound of that?
In this episode, we focus on the first 2 elements. Eating and sleep.
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