CGP Ep220 Speed Thru Deceleration Training
Jan 17, 2018Wanna go faster? Then you need to slow down!
I have spent the last 10 years of my career fine-tuning my training techniques to maximize the speed outputs for some of the best rotational athletes on earth!
Wanna know my secrets?
Then you need to listen to this episode and filter out all the bad jokes, endless sound effects and hold back the urge to yell through your dashboard for me to get to the point!
In part one of this 2 two-part topic, I share my thoughts on isometric, eccentric training and how to train these techniques in the sagittal, frontal and transverse plane to generate more rotational speed!
Hey! You going to the PGAShow in Orlando next week?
Come and see me live on Friday Jan26th 1:30pm and give me a #YOJAY!
While you are there make sure you visit @performbetter booth and get your 15% off using the “COACHGLASS” discount code.
Don’t miss out on the #1 must-see booth at the show for all your #Fresh2Death clothing at the @travismathew booth.
@KVEST3D is holding educational workshops with golf’s biggest names at booth W310B all show long!
And last but not least the @mytpi booth will be buzzing with your favourite TPI stars. Come and visit us!
And as always…..#DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass
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