CGP Ep209 Thomas Plummer The Business of Fitness
Nov 08, 2017Thomas Plummer is a legend! When it comes to the "business of fitness" you won't find a more influential player in the game.
He has helped countless fitness leaders build successful fitness businesses and helped them rise to the top of this ruthless industry.
Thomas was the mastermind behind the creation of the NFBA (National Fitness Business Alliance) and has authored 6 best selling books sharing his 30 years of experience in the fitness industry.
In this episode we chat about the pillars that he feels are the foundation of success and what you can do today to take your business and life to the next level.
Thomas is a dear friend and the two of us had a blast reminiscing about how we met and the journey we took to get to where we are today.
Thomas has had a huge influence in my career as a presenter and I am so excited to share Thomas with my Glisteners.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it!
You can see Thomas live in 2018 at his upcoming @perform_better events.
Go to http://performbetter.com and register today!
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And last but not least, if you want to look fresh to death… visit https://www.travismathew.com/ Everyone knows by now that @travismathew provides the Coach with all his fresh gear. Check out their #REDLine of clothing for the coolest pre, post and during workout gear. https://www.travismathew.com/
And as always…..#DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass
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