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CGP Ep191 Mr. Miyagi Mentorship

#glisteners coach glass podcast Jul 05, 2017
Mentorship is so important in the development of oneself.
Finding a mentor who is willing to guide you through the challenges you face in your career, sport, relationships or personal growth can be a life changer!
In this episode, I draw some parallels from the teaching of Mr Miyagi in the Karate Kid movie with your career and development of self.
If you want to truly maximize your potential you need to live through the eyes of a trusted mentor.
Daniel San thought he was the king of the castle back in his hometown. It wasn’t until he hit the streets of the Valley that he realized he was over his head and needed guidance.
So many of us live in our business, surrounded by others who think the same, and we climb to the top of our circle.
It's comfy!
You need to put yourself in situations that make you feel scared, skin your knee and be vulnerable to truly grow.
I have been hosting my Coach Glass Mentorship for the past 5 years. I take 10 attendees each year and help them take their brand, skill set, business and personal development to the next level.
If you are a Glistener and not sure if this mentorship is for you…then it is not for you. I believe you need to be all in or all out in life.
As Mr. Miyagi said, “Left safe, right safe, middle…get squish like grape”
Listen to this episode and find yourself a mentor. Be strong enough to find your weakness and then find a mentor that embodies the trait you wish to develop. GO!!!!!! 
If you want to attend the 2017 Coach Glass Mentorship email me at [email protected] and let me know what we can do for you!
And now a word from our sponsors... You can purchase all your fitness equipment at and use “COACHGLASS” in the discount box at checkout to get 15% off your entire order. 
I will be presenting my High Threshold presentation this August at the @perform_better #LongBeachSummit so come and give us a #YOJAY.  
I love to wear @TravisMathew clothing and the #TMRedFitnessLine at work and at play! They are the coolest brand in golf and now the coolest brand in fitness. Together we are taking the stuffiness out of golf!
Follow @kvest3d and check out their educational KVest Certification! Everything you want to know about the biomechanics of rotation!  
I'll be in Atlanta July 20-21 for @mytpi Level 1!  
And as always…..#DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass

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