CGP Ep184 Focus on the WHY not the WHAT!
May 17, 2017This episode goes DEEP! We start on the philosophy of performance training and then it goes sideways into a #DreamBig.
Oops! I got fired up and did not apologize for it. It's all about why you do what you do and nothing to do with WHAT you do!
From performance training to weight loss to personal performance to living big. Stop focussing on WHAT and focus on WHY! Kim Kardashian once said “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will eat for life”
I think it was Kim??
Regardless of the author, this quote describes this weeks topic perfectly!
It seems everyone fitness enthusiast wants to know the perfect exercise for this and the perfect diet for that. All that BS means nothing without the right philosophy driving the person it is intended for or the goal that they are trying to accomplish. Nothing!
So listen and find YOUR philosophy!
By the way we have a new sponsor! Send us a tweet when you decode the message and figure out who our secret new sponsor is! Really excited about it.
Follow @kvest3d and check out their new NEXT Program for the KVEST and KPLAYER!
If you want to receive my new Advanced Dynamic Warm-Up and High Threshold videos? Go to coachglasslive.com and we will send you the members-only videos and a printable PDF of all the exercises to throw in your bag!
Want to come and see Coach Glass in person? I'll be in Newark June 8/9th for @mytpi Level 1 and probably hitting NYC for some comedy gigs so keep your ear to the ground!
Make sure to go to @performbetter and order your home fitness equipment that is built for the pros by the pros. “COACHGLASS” in the discount box get you 15% off!
And as always…..#DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass
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