CGP Ep183 The Nutrition Plan
May 10, 2017BAM! Take that!
Nutrition plan for performance. Eat whole foods not processed. Eat nutrient-dense foods not fortified. Learn to cook and teach your kids. Sugar is the devil. Real food over supplements. All calories are not created equal. You can’t outrun a bad diet but you can outrun someone on a bad diet! If your finger smells like a hot dog you probably just ate a hot dog.
Plus so many other helpful tips in this jam-packed (organic vegan fed jam) episode!
Want to come and see Coach Glass in person? I'll be in Newark June 8/9th for @mytpi Level 1 and probably hitting NYC for some comedy gigs so keep your ear to the ground!
Make sure to go to @performbetter and order your home fitness equipment that is built for the pros by the pros. “COACHGLASS” in the discount box get you 10% off!
Follow @kvest3d and check out their new NEXT Program for the KVEST and KPLAYER!
If you want to receive my new Advanced Dynamic Warm Up and High Threshold videos? Go to coachglasslive.com and we will send you the members only videos and a printable PDF of all the exercises to throw in your bag!
And as always…..#DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass
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