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CGP Ep181 GO!!! Start something BIG!

#glisteners coach glass podcast Apr 26, 2017

GO!!!!! What are you waiting for? GO!!!

The 1st step is the most important. What you do from there is what guarantees success in whatever endeavour you are trying to accomplish.

Fitness goals, bizzzzness, new projects, or anything that makes you think “OMG thats too much work” GO!!!

Anyone who is a long time Glistener will agree that the first step to accomplishing anything big you need to #DreamBig!

"Yeah Jay I got it” DreamBig is the destination. Next thing to do is GO!!! Start!!! Take the first step forward toward the destination.

So many people spend months planning and predicting and never take the first step forward! Jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down.

“Whooow!” Of course, you have a map or a basic outline of how to get there but often people neglect to get in the car and pull out of the driveway. You can always adjust the route while you are on route!

This episode is all about starting and how to plan while you are on the road!

I am launching my online follow along 16 week LoadXplode training program

And now a word from our sponsors: Tony Morgan, K-VEST's Director of International Business talks about the new @KVEST3D NEXT Software "By combining a series of motions at address and throughout the swing, NEXT turns static positional training into a complete movement to help players learn, and, more importantly, retain the desired skills.

NEXT can be used by teachers and coaches of all backgrounds to improve outcomes, including club delivery, ball speed, and injury avoidance” Check it out at today!

I'll be performing at the @performbetter Orlando Summit Sunday, June 4th and just got added to the @perform_better Long Beach Summit in August so come out and see the Coach!

I'll also be in PalmBeach FLA for the @mytpi Level 1 seminar May 11/12 so put down your Cuban coffee (which I love) and sign up!

And as always…..#DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass

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