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CGP Ep160 Brian Nguyen Master Coach

#glisteners coach glass podcast Nov 30, 2016
Brian @brikbneezy is the hottest new star on the @performbetter Summit Series!
I met Brian for the 1st time at the Long Beach Summit and knew instantly that this guy had the “IT FACTOR” It has been great to get to know Brian who has a lust for life and a passion for helping others achieve their dreams.
Brian has been able to rise above the fame he received from working with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars like Adam Sandler, Will Ferrel, Mila Kunis and sport stars Blake Griffin and the Rob "The Gronk” Gronkowski. 
To top it off Brian was also an integral part of the real Mark Wahlberg entourage for 9 years! But all that means nothing when you get down to what truly makes Brian special.
And like all special guests on the Coach Glass Podcast, we went DEEP and it deserved a double episode.
So without further adieu… Brian Nguyen Part 1! 
Be sure to visit our sponsors @kvest3d @perform_better @mytpi  and send them a tweet with #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass

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