CGP Ep155 Sean Hutchison Olympic Coach
Nov 02, 2016Sean Hutchison @ikkosCEO is a decorated Olympic Swim Coach & Inventor.
As impressive as that last sentence is it still doesn’t even scratch the surface of who Sean is.
I have been holding off having Sean on the show for over a year, waiting to record the episode in person, so we could go DEEP into the genius that is Sean Hutchison.
Sean shares stories about how he developed coaching techniques and technology that catapulted his athletes from the pool to the podium.
Using physiology, biology, neuroscience, the science of learning Sean developed a tool that allows athletes in any sport to mirror the greats and improve their technique and skills without even getting their feet wet!
We had so much fun discussing the great northwest and all the things that make us web-footed northerners special.
Warning! If you're from the east coast you may need to fast forward the segment where we discuss things like, meditation, fresh air, running in the wilderness and creating balanced lives.
The rest of the conversation is all about grit, success, drive, dreaming big and overdelivering in life so you should be good with the rest of it! Enjoy.
Be sure to visit our sponsors @kvest3d @perform_better @mytpi and send them a tweet with #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass
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