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CGP Ep147 Movement Feedback Systems

#glisteners coach glass podcast Sep 14, 2016

The human body is an amazing collection of systems that receives information from the senses and adjusts posture and movement according to the stimulus.

Left to its own devices it runs at a hyper-speed of efficiency when it comes to taking in the environmental stimuli and making appropriate responses to those stimuli.

But for some reason, trainers and athletes try to override those senses and use their own “best judgement” on how the body should move and respond to the stresses applied to the body throughout our training or sport.

In this episode, I will break down how the body performs billions of actions, responses and double-check all of its decision without you even knowing about it and how we can slow down the efficiency of our supercomputer by “thinking!”

How do you know if your form is correct while performing a deadlift? A mirror, video, or a coach?

How do you determine whether or not you hit a good shot in golf? Wait till you walk up to the green to see how close it is to the pin?

How do you know if you are training hard enough? Look at a heart rate monitor?

How about whether or not your new paleo diet is working? Look at a scale?

We have so many external reference points to let us know how we are performing.

There are some amazing technologies out now that provide you with biofeedback like the K-Player from K-Vest that will measure and provide feedback during training that is exact to the degree or virtual reality suits that can actually take your senses and modify them to trick your brain into feeling and experiencing things that aren’t even there!

I am challenging you to try and trust a coach, a feedback loop, a system of checks and balances that you already have.

You were probably just unaware that the power was within.

Enjoy it! 

Be sure to visit our sponsors @kvest3d @perform_better @mytpi Cheers! Coach Glass



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