CGP Ep144 Alwyn Cosgrove Part 1 Getting Results!
Aug 30, 2016Alwyn Cosgrove @alwyncosgrove is one of the most respected fitness professionals on the globe and someone who I consider a friend and mentor.
I knew when I put the mics on that this episode would be an instant classic and a conversation that we couldn’t complete in 30 minutes.
I was right!
We had such an amazing time talking about fitness, business and philosophy of living life to the fullest that we had to break it into 2 parts.
In the first 1/2 we discuss how Alwyn created his training philosophy and built business systems that turned Results Fitness into one of the most successful gyms in America.
We also tackle a controversial subject while discussing the business of being a great presenter and why it has become a male-dominated field.
You may be surprised to hear why there are only a handful of female presenters on the fitness seminar circuit including his wife, Rachel Cosgrove, who is one of my favourites!
Results Fitness is all about getting results!
Alwyn and I discuss weight loss and what is the driver behind the desire to lose weight.
If you don’t get down to the “why” you will never truly get the results.
We also share tips for new trainers that want to make the fitness industry a career instead of being a stepping stone to your next job.
All this and more in this 1st part of t a 2 parter that is guaranteed to be one of the years most downloaded episodes!
Enjoy It!
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