CGP Ep137 #BeUNDENIABLE The Autobiography
Jul 13, 2016Have you ever wanted something so bad you are vibrating at the thought of attaining it?
What did you do about it? Did you take steps each day to make it a reality? Did you wake up each day ready to leap over obstacles in your path and make a mental commitment to be undeniable?
If so… you need to listen to this!
In this episode, I share with you how I got my first job as the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach at a major University, how I created a problem that only I could fix just to get a job and how over-delivering before your future employer or client even knows you want the job can lead to a dream career!
I share the story of how I went from taking TPI Level 1 classes to teaching them.
If these stories don’t make you dust off that dream that you conceded defeat on years ago, you don’t have a pulse!
Visit our sponsors @kvest3d @perform_better @mytpi and send them a tweet with #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass
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