CGP Ep127 Mind Set Match
May 11, 2016What is your mindset? Where is your mind? Are you aware that you have control over your mindset?
You can develop a skill set to change your mindset!
You need to make a clear and concise decision to compartmentalize your brain to be 100% focussed and present while executing the task at hand.
You need to think of your mind as a computer operating system.
If you want your computer to run at the highest level you need to close all the programs that are running in the background.
So many of you are 1 task away from crashing and many of you have the spinning wheel in your eyes already!
This episode will help you compartmentalize your mind and become more effective, efficient and productive in your life, sport, or career.
I also share a story about a recent trip I was on and how I got in the head of 500+ people with a 5 second chant and potentially saved a kid from diabetes at the same time.
That is the power of the mind folks!
@perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass
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