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CGP Ep125 Chunk Training

#glisteners coach glass podcast Apr 27, 2016

What if you took the end goal for your training and reverse-engineered it.

My end goal is to??????

Lets say it was to be STRONGER!

Now break it down into the elements or components that make you stronger. What kind of time, intensity, tension, sets, reps and frequency is required to accomplish this goal.

Focussing on this by itself may get us to our desired destination but may also involve us neglecting some of the other elements.

Components that provide us with other desired physical characteristic like cardiovascular health, function and speed.

Can we break down a bigger physical goal that encompasses all the elements we need to be successful at our sport?

Can we put them all into 1 training session and hit them all at once or would it be better to break it up into chunks?

That's what this MUST LISTEN to episode is all about.

How to train in chunks to maximize your potential. Enjoy it!

@perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

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