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CGP Ep124 Sex! Need I say more?

#glisteners coach glass podcast Apr 20, 2016

This is the big one! The one you have all been waiting for! Okay, probably not.

In fact, the thought of The Coach breaking down sex on this scientific and serious podcast seems absurd.

Well, it is a part of life, in fact, it is the reason you have life, so it's a topic that must be covered.

We answer all the questions that you are afraid to type into your Google Search in fear of your neighbours finding out about your foot fetish.

How many calories do you burn while having sex? What are the hormonal implications of having sex, abstaining from sex or having to take the business into your own hands? Why do you feel sleepy post-coital? What is the future of sex for Generation Z?

Plus a ton of random thoughts, unfiltered and completely uneducated biased opinions from yours truly.

This one is explicit.

There I warned you. Cheers!

@perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

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