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CGP Ep121 How to Make Functional FUNCTIONAL!

#glisteners coach glass podcast Mar 30, 2016

In this episode, we dissect the concept of Functional Training.

Some of you are rolling your eyes right now because you have been hearing about this for years and you are either done with it or don’t understand it and think its for the worthless and the weak.

“I use to be a functional trainer but now I’m a Zumba Instructor!” “I use to be a functional trainer but now I am a Crossfit Coach!”

What? What the hell does that mean? Can’t you be a Crossfit coach and still care about your client’s function while doling out the WOD of the day? Can’t you be a Zumba instructor and still be functional with a smile on your face?

Have you just realized that I wrote "WOD of the day” which is like saying "I would like apple pie ala mode with ice cream please?”

We go deep into how every coach can be a functional trainer and still deliver kick ass workouts, train large groups functionally and get results.

Just because you aren’t functional doesn’t mean that your training also has to be nonfunctional.

Listen and learn!

Then comment on iTunes and give us 5 stars. It helps the podcast function at a higher level! I’ll also be featuring Functional Training for Large Groups on this month’s #YOJAY seen on my website and YouTube Channel so stay tuned.

@perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

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