CGP Ep120 Powerful Public Speaking Tips
Mar 23, 2016Many people say that public speaking is their #1 fear in life.
For some, they would rather die than get in front of 100 people waiting for them to speak.
I was born with a strong urge to perform in front of a crowd.
It led me to lecturing and stand up comedy. I have been speaking on stage for the past 10 years and wanted to share some of the tricks of the trade with you on the art of making it look effortless.
Whether you know it or not, we are all public speakers. Telling a story at a dinner party or delivering the marketing plan via Power Point to your colleagues. Public speaking is public speaking.
The tips I deliver in this episode may shock you! I am telling you the insider tips that the professional speaking coaches won’t share.
You can start by not speaking! What?
My #1 tip for public speaking is to stop talking. If you don’t, your audience feels like they are being spoken to instead of having a conversation with you.
Taking a breath in-between points allows the audience a chance to digest the last statement and refresh their palate for the next course.
Another key to effective public speaking is to find a way to craft your topic into a story.
Speak to the crowd like you are sharing your favourite story at a cocktail party.
Find the interesting notes and the humour in your topic and tell the story like you are actually enjoying the talk yourself.
I attempt to riff on a few topics from the top of my dome which makes for a rather amusing and somewhat disturbing TED talk on Sprockets!
I also share how you can turn your boring Power Point presentation into a piece of art.
I recommend you read Nancy Duartes book Resonate if you want to really make an impact with your slide show.
@perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass
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