CGP Ep119 Nick Winkelman NFL Combine
Mar 16, 2016You are a brand. Whether you like it or not you are a brand. It doesn’t matter whether you own your own business or if you work for a corporation. You are a brand and you need to manage the way the world sees your brand.
What will I see if I look at your website, your twitter, instagram and FaceBook page? Will I see the best representation of you?
Would I leave with a positive and accurate account of what you are passionate about, what inspires you and most importantly what you are selling? If not then your brand isn’t working for you.
In fact it is working against you!
This episode is all about how to develop a personal brand that is authentic to you and gets out to your target audience.
Listen, learn and take a look in the mirror. Do you see what I see?
@perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass
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