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CGP Ep117 Biohack your Performance with Brandon Marcello

#glisteners coach glass podcast Mar 02, 2016

All the training, cryotherapy, pre, post, prep, recovery, periodizing, micro, macro, load and explode in the world means nothing….. and I mean NOTHING if you don’t eat and sleep right!

One of my favourite people to geek out on human performance topics with is @perform_better presenter, Brandon Marcello PhD.

This guy has forgotten more in his sleep than most of us have learnt in a lifetime of journal reading, certification taking and University student loan paying.

I asked Brandon about the 2 most important elements in an athlete's performance program. His answer, hands down, without question, was sleep and nutrition!

We have discussed at length on previous episodes of the podcast about the various nutritional concepts and science behind eating right.

So in this episode, I wanted to go deeper…..way deeper!

We discuss your gut flora and how the health of your gut will dictate what you can & cannot eat and how bacteria in your gut may be the driver behind your cravings.

We then go deep into the science of sleep and the concept of sleep debt. If you thought your bank balance looks bad wait till you take a look at your sleep balance statement!

This episode is an instant classic and one to listen to again and again.

@bmarcello13 @perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

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