CGP Ep103 STOP Chasing Pain with Perry Nickelston
Dec 09, 2015Dr Perry Nickelston and I talk about pain and how to avoid chasing after the symptoms and get to the root of the problem.
Perry is the host of the Stop Chasing Pain Podcast which is fantastic.
His insight into what causes pain, compensation and his ability to find the right modality to remove the problem makes him one of the best medical professionals in the business.
Perry shares the touching story of how he met and developed a mentorship relationship with Gray Cook @graycooPT and how it shaped the way he assesses and treats his athletes.
Sometimes you finish a conversation and you say “Wow! That was amazing, we should do it again SOON!” Perry said “How about right now?” and we recorded another episode on his podcast.
I recommend you check it out once you have had a chance to listen to this introduction to what I hope will be many more conversations with Dr Nickelston @stopchasingpain #punkedbypain Hope you enjoy it and #CheersEverybody!
@perform_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass
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