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CGP Ep 58 The 2 Most Important Exercises Ever!

#glisteners coach glass podcast Feb 05, 2015

If I had a dollar for every time I am asked what is the best exercise for X or the most important thing you can do for Y I would have enough money to hire an assistant to answer stupid questions for me!

So I put some serious thought to this question and thought I would share with you my answer.

You know what? Screw it! Not only am I going to tell you my #1 exercise but I will offer up my thoughts on the TWO most important exercises ever!

This is a challenge. I have to have an exercises that will accomplish everything for every person.

Improve your speed, power, health, sex life and improve your relationship with your in-laws.

So here it is folks.

This is coming off a presentation I did at the PGA Show this past January where I was presenting the 2 most important exercises for golf.

The crowd was shocked and in awe of my choices. I promised the audience I would record a podcast on it and share it with all those who were not able to attend this groundbreaking presentation.

Some claim that this Episode may revert the World’s obesity epidemic and solve global warming.

At the very least I hope you enjoy the #Edumatainment!

Brought to you by my sponsors @PerformBetter and @mytpi. Listen, learn and enjoy! #DreamBig #OverDeliver and be #Undeniable.

Cheers Coach Glass

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