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CGP Ep 12 Nutrition #2 War on Sugar!

coach glass podcast performance coaching May 07, 2014

There is a war going on folks and I am on the front lines! The war is on sugar!!

There is way too much sugar being consumed and pumped into our food system.

In this episode we continue the conversation I started in the Episode 4 Nutrition 4 Athletic Performance.

Focus on sugar, false sugars or zero calorie sweeteners and how they make us fat. I also take a run at sports drinks and discuss how US history has led to the diabetes epidemic.

Eat clean, eat healthy and feed your children real food!

Are you like the rest of North America and consuming 3-10x too much sugar per day? Do you even know how much sugar is in the foods you eat? Attached is a guide that visually breaks down how much sugar is in your food. I have an even better way to figure out how much sugar is in food.

It’s a method your body has been using your whole life and the same system our ancestors used……. Its called…… wait for it…. TASTE!

The only way your body knows how much sugar is in food is through taste. Once you have tasted something you will remember the taste and your body will actually release insulin at the sight or smell of your favorite treat.

“Yo Jay!

What about 0 Sugar Added and 0 Calorie foods or those coloured packets in the cafe?”

I would rather you eat real sugar! False sugars or sugar alcohols are hyper sweet to the taste buds and will cause the same reaction but you are also adding toxic chemicals that can harm your health a hell of lot worse than sugar.

Highly processed foods will hide sugar in products that your taste buds think are savory or bland which will further complicate the situation.

Eat unprocessed natural foods when available and if you think it will be sweet….. avoid it! Or eat it and enjoy every bite then don’t eat it again for a few days. Want to learn more?

Listen to this weeks Coach Glass Podcast Ep 12 Nutrition #2 War on Sugar.

#DreamBigOverDeliver and be #Undeniable! Cheers, #CoachGlass


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