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Athlete: The Xperiment Workout

exercise tips performance coaching video archives video for athletes Jan 29, 2015

Athlete: Alright athlete, you ask for it and you receive it. Here is the Xperiment. Rotational Power Training that will take your game to the Next Level. The exercises in this video will help you develop strength, power, stability, mobility, and athleticism. It's a real-time workout so you can follow along or you can just sit back and watch for ideas. Coach Manion does an amazing job of performing the exercises while I cue you and share technique secrets. I have clients that throw this workout in their routine every month as a gauge of how they are progressing in their personalized program. Give it a try and add some new exercises and concepts to your current fitness plan. Share with our other athletes your story and how you felt during and after the Xperiment.

Coaches: If you are a coach and you are using the Next Level site to learn new exercises, techniques and see how I train my athletes, this video is perfect for you. I get asked regularly by trainers if they can come and shadow one of my training sessions. Most athletes prefer to train without strange eyes watching their every move and analyzing their technique. This is a good opportunity for you to see what a typical workout session would look like. To top it off I describe in detail all my coaching cues and technical points for each exercise. If you have any questions just head over to the YoJay section and ask away!

Enjoy! Coach Glass

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