5 Expert Excerpts: Episode 3 - Courage To Speak Up
Jul 03, 2020This week I highlight 5 Experts, who are not afraid to share their thoughts, challenge convention, or address topics that are considered taboo.
- First up we have one of my mentors Al Vermeil, and we discuss some of the approaches or habits we do AND don't approve of in training.
- I love the work that Dana Santas does with athletes and inside the industry to address the topic of depression, a key message now considering all the turmoil and stress in the world.
- Liam Hennessy is a world-class coach with countless trophies and championships behind his name, but here he talks about dealing with defeat.
- Mike Voight is an all star therapist and we discuss the role of high/low threshold exercises, and why extremely strong athletes often fail at the basics.
- Gary Reinl blows up the myths of using ice for injury, recovery and rehab, with a deep dive into the origin of BS!
You can find their full episodes by subscribing to the Coach Glass Podcast on your favourite podcast player.
If you want to go against the grain with your own training and focus on real athletic results check out my High-Triplexity Summer Squad starting this month, we're limiting it to 100 people and sign up closes on Tuesday.
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