2016 Coach Glass Mentorship
May 06, 20162016 Coach Glass Mentorship July 7-9 Northview Golf Club, Surrey BC Canada
The Coach Glass Mentorship is a 3-day event designed to maximize your potential. If you're a coach, medical practitioner or fitness instructor who wants to take your career to the Next Level, this is your event. Each year Coach Glass takes a small group of hand-picked professionals for 3 days of motivation, brand development, rotational power education, business development, and coaching. This event goes DEEP into your brand, personal and professional development, exercises technique and philosophy and everything else that makes you perform at the highest level.
Topics covered over the 3 days:
Road to Greatness Presentation
Experience the Coach Glass Kick-Ass Morning Routine
Social Media: Blowing Up Your Brand
Brand Development
Public Speaking and Presentation Skill Development
Dynamic Warm-Up & Assessment
Minimal Dose Effect
Sling Presentation
Sling Assessment and Training
Pelvic Powerhouse
Pelvic Powerhouse Assessment and Training
Choose Your Own Adventure Session
Social Evening
If you are looking for a good old fashioned kick in the butt to get you to Dream Bigger, Over Deliver on those Dreams and be Undeniable in life…this is your event!
The Tour Performance LAB
Northview Golf Club, Surrey BC Canada
$1600 CDN (Approx $1300 USD)
Email: [email protected] for the 2016 Mentorship application.
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